Are you a state legislator looking to reduce healthcare costs in your state? The State Legislative Diabetes & Obesity Handbook exists to help policymakers identify tools to combat diabetes and obesity and their risk factors and improve patients’ access, affordability, and outcomes.
Explore the Handbook to learn more about state policy models that reduce barriers to diabetes and obesity care and deliver economic benefits like lowering costs and creating a healthier, more productive workforce.
Download your copy or explore our featured policy models!


Partnering with community organizations to provide low-cost medications

The Problem – Many Americans struggle to afford the medications they need to manage chronic conditions and maintain their health. Access to affordable prescription drugs remains limited, especially in underserved communities where resources are stretched thin. Without adequate support, individuals may be forced to skip doses or forgo treatment entirely, exacerbating health disparities.

The Solution – Kentucky offers a solution to this issue by partnering with community organizations to help eligible individuals access reduced-cost prescription medications through the Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program (KPAP). KPAP helps patients navigate through existing discounted drug programs offered by manufacturers, retailers, and other sponsors. By leveraging existing community networks such as county health departments, hospitals, food pantries, and faith-based organizations, KPAP can substantially expand its reach without duplicating efforts or significantly increasing overhead. The program helps over 4,800 Kentuckians secure $47 million in free and reduced-cost medications in just one year – making it a national model for cost-effective prescription assistance.

Sample Legislation: The Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program was created through a line-item in Kentucky’s biannual budget bill. Even though there is no sample legislation, the example provides a successful model that can be replicated in other states.

Share the savings with patients, not the PBMs
The Problem – Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and insurance companies often retain prescription drug rebates provided by manufacturers instead of passing the savings on to patients. This practice results in inflated drug prices, leaving patients, especially those with chronic conditions, paying significantly more out-of-pocket at the pharmacy. For example, the average rebate on a branded drug is 48%, causing patients to pay nearly double what their health plan pays for the same drug, making essential medications unaffordable for many.

The Solution – West Virginia addressed this issue by becoming the first state to mandate that rebates be passed directly to patients at the pharmacy counter. This move lowers drug costs for patients while increasing transparency in a system where PBMs have historically kept rebate information hidden. By ensuring that patients benefit from the savings, the state has taken a step towards fairer pricing and improved access to life-saving medications.
Sample Legislation: Indiana Senate Bill 8 – Enacted 5/4/23
The Medicaid Continuous Glucose
Monitor Coverage
Better coverage for the tools to manage diabetes successfully

The Problem Diabetes management is a significant challenge for many low-income individuals, particularly those relying on Medicaid for healthcare. Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), which are vital for managing blood glucose levels, are often not covered under Medicaid in many states, leaving patients without access to a crucial tool. Without CGMs, patients are more likely to experience complications from poorly controlled diabetes, leading to costly medical interventions and long-term health consequences. 

The Solution – Arkansas has addressed this gap by passing legislation that mandates Medicaid coverage for CGMs, ensuring that low-income residents have access to this essential diabetes management tool. CGMs help patients maintain better control over their blood glucose levels, reducing the likelihood of complications and lowering healthcare costs. Studies show that the adoption of CGMs can save Medicaid an estimated $4,000 per patient over nine months compared to patients who do not use the technology. By including CGMs in Medicaid coverage, states can protect their most vulnerable residents, improve diabetes management, and reduce avoidable healthcare expenses.

Sample Legislation: Arkansas Senate Bill 521 – Enacted 4/13/21
Enhancing Access and Awareness
To treat and  prevent obesity

The Problem – The obesity epidemic, a major contributor to diabetes, continues to strain healthcare systems and worsen public health outcomes. While obesity is linked to over 200 comorbidities including diabetes, current approaches often lack a long-term, comprehensive strategy. Medicaid programs are limited in their coverage of effective treatments for obesity, including nutritional therapies, behavioral interventions and pharmacological options. Additionally, obesity stigma creates barriers for individuals seeking care, further exacerbating health disparities.

The Solution – To effectively combat obesity and prevent diabetes, states must implement comprehensive policies that ensure Medicaid coverage for the full spectrum of of obesity treatments. This should include behavioral interventions like the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), intensive behavioral therapy (IBT), and medical nutritional therapy (MNT), as well as coverage for anti-obesity medications as well as bariatric surgery. Addressing obesity stigma in healthcare settings is also critical to ensure patients feel supported and can access the care they need without bias or judgment. By expanding treatment options and reducing stigma, states can promote sustainable solutions that address the root causes of obesity and diabetes and ensure equitable access to treatment for all individuals, regardless of income or background.

Sample Legislation: Connecticut Senate Bill 977 – Enacted 6/28/23
Addressing Diabetes in School Settings
Promoting safety, equity, and early intervention for children

The Problem - Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the second-most common chronic disease affecting school-aged children, creating challenges in managing blood glucose, which impacts children’s emotional, social, and academic well-being. T1D management requires a strict regimen involving insulin and monitoring, which is draining for students and affects school participation. Additionally, a lack of emergency preparedness for severe hypoglycemia, as well as delayed diagnosis due to nonspecific symptoms, heightens risks for affected children.

The Solution - Ensuring a supportive school environment involves providing children with access to necessary medical supplies, education on T1D management, and emergency preparedness. Undesignated glucagon—a life-saving medication for low blood sugar emergencies—should be readily available in schools to address hypoglycemia effectively. Schools should also act as educational hubs, offering information on T1D and T1D screening to families, empowering them to recognize symptoms early and manage the condition proactively.

Sample Legislation for Undesignated Glucagon: Georgia House Bill 440 – Enacted 4/12/23
Sample Legislation for T1D Education: Illinois Senate Bill 3473 – Enacted 7/1/24

State Legislative Scorecards

See how your state scores on the impact of diabetes and what, if any, legislative action has been taken to address the problem. Click your state below!

This map offers state-level summary statistics on diabetes impact and what, if any, legislative action has been taken to address the problem. We specifically highlight:


Legislation Scorecard

7.9% with Diabetes

6.8% with Diabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.8% with Diabetes
7.9% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

7.4% with Diabetes

7.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.7% with Prediabetes
7.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

West Virginia

Legislation Scorecard

13.4% with Diabetes

8.9% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

West Virginia
8.9% with Prediabetes
13.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.0% with Diabetes

7.4% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.4% with Prediabetes
9.0% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.5% with Diabetes

9.4% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.4% with Prediabetes
9.5% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.7% with Diabetes

8.8% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8.8% with Prediabetes
8.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

7.6% with Diabetes

5.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

5.5% with Prediabetes
7.6% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

12.0% with Diabetes

9.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.5% with Prediabetes
12.0% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

6.6% with Diabetes

6.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.6% with Prediabetes
6.6% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

South Dakota

Legislation Scorecard

9.2% with Diabetes

6.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

South Dakota
6.6% with Prediabetes
9.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

South Carolina

Legislation Scorecard

8.8% with Diabetes

11.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

South Carolina
11.6% with Prediabetes
8.8% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

Rhode Island

Legislation Scorecard

9.4% with Diabetes

6.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

Rhode Island
6.5% with Prediabetes
9.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.9% with Diabetes

6.3% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.3% with Prediabetes
9.9% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.7% with Diabetes

10.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

10.0% with Prediabetes
9.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

11.4% with Diabetes

8.8% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8.8% with Prediabetes
11.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.7% with Diabetes

8/0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8/0% with Prediabetes
10.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

North Dakota

Legislation Scorecard

8.7% with Diabetes

6.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

North Dakota
6.6% with Prediabetes
8.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

North Carolina

Legislation Scorecard

11.0% with Diabetes

8.2% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

North Carolina
8.2% with Prediabetes
11.0% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

New York

Legislation Scorecard

9.0% with Diabetes

9.8% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

New York
9.8% with Prediabetes
9.0% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.6% with Diabetes

10.1% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

10.1% with Prediabetes
9.6% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

New Mexico

Legislation Scorecard

11.2% with Diabetes

10.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

New Mexico
10.7% with Prediabetes
11.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.8% with Diabetes

5.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

5.5% with Prediabetes
8.8% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

New Jersey

Legislation Scorecard

9.4% with Diabetes

11.9% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

New Jersey
11.9% with Prediabetes
9.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.1% with Diabetes

6.2% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.2% with Prediabetes
8.1% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

New Hampshire

Legislation Scorecard

8.7% with Diabetes

7.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

New Hampshire
7.0% with Prediabetes
8.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.2% with Diabetes

7.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.5% with Prediabetes
10.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.2% with Diabetes

7.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.7% with Prediabetes
10.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

12.9% with Diabetes

6.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.6% with Prediabetes
12.9% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

7.9% with Diabetes

7.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.0% with Prediabetes
7.9% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.5% with Diabetes

7.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.7% with Prediabetes
8.5% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.8% with Diabetes

10.6% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

10.6% with Prediabetes
10.8% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.7% with Diabetes

6.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.0% with Prediabetes
8.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

12.9% with Diabetes

7.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.7% with Prediabetes
12.9% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

11.2% with Diabetes

7.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.7% with Prediabetes
11.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.5% with Diabetes

11.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

11.7% with Prediabetes
9.5% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

12.1% with Diabetes

9.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.5% with Prediabetes
12.1% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.8% with Diabetes

7.3% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

7.3% with Prediabetes
8.8% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.4% with Diabetes

8.1% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8.1% with Prediabetes
10.4% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.2% with Diabetes

8.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8.0% with Prediabetes
9.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

7.3% with Diabetes

9.0% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.0% with Prediabetes
7.3% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.3% with Diabetes

12.8% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

12.8% with Prediabetes
10.3% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.5% with Diabetes

9.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.7% with Prediabetes
10.5% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

10.1% with Diabetes

9.8% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




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Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.8% with Prediabetes
10.1% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

8.2% with Diabetes

9.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.7% with Prediabetes
8.2% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

6.5% with Diabetes

6.5% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

6.5% with Prediabetes
6.5% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.3% with Diabetes

8.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

8.7% with Prediabetes
9.3% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

6.6% with Diabetes

9.7% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:

Scorecard Policy Definitions

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn't available.

Rebate Pass-through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

Undesignated Glugacon in Shcools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Type | Screening Eduction

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type I diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage For Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

9.7% with Prediabetes
6.6% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

12.7% with Diabetes

7.3% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type I Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:
7.3% with Prediabetes
12.7% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban


Legislation Scorecard

9.6% with Diabetes

10.9% with Prediabetes

Diabetes Action Plan

Insulin Copay Cap

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Emergency Access to Insulin

Rebate Pass-through

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Undesignated Glugacon in Schools

Type 1 Screening Education

Copay Accumulator Ban

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care




Download as:
10.9% with Prediabetes
9.6% with Diabetes
Diabets Action Plan
Diabets Caucus
Insulin Copay Cap
Diabets Supply Copay Cap
Emergency Access to Insulin
Rebate Pass-through
First Dollar Coverage for Disbets
Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM
Copay Accumulator Ban

Rebate Pass-Through: Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through a portion ofdrug rebates to patients at the point of sale, lowering to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM: Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Insulin Copay Cap: Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulinby imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap: Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Copay Accumulator Ban: Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care: Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring theinsured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essentialdiabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizingfinancial barriers for patients.

Emergency Access to Insulin: Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin inemergency situations where the prescriber isn’t available.

Diabetes Action Plan: Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals,strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improvedhealthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes.

Diabetes Caucus: Legislative caucuses focused on diabetes are groups of lawmakers who cometogether to address issues related to diabetes, such as raising awareness, advancing diabetes-related legislation, and promoting policies that improve diabetes care and management

Rebate Pass-Through

Requires pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to pass through  drug rebates to patients at the point of sale during the deductible period, lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

Comprehensive Medicaid Coverage for CGM

Ensures that beneficiaries with diabetes have access to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and related supplies as part of their healthcare benefits.

Insulin Copay Cap

Limits the amount individuals with diabetes have to pay out-of-pocket for insulin by imposing a maximum limit on patient cost-sharing.

Diabetes Supply Copay Cap

Set a maximum limit on out-of-pocket costs for various diabetes supplies, such as glucose test strips, lancets, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

Copay Accumulator Ban

Prohibit health insurers and PBMs from applying copay accumulator programs which prevent third-party copay assistance from counting toward a patient's deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

First Dollar Coverage for Diabetes Care

Patient cost-sharing benefits begin without requiring the insured individual to pay a deductible or other out-of-pocket expenses first, ensuring that essential diabetes-related services, treatments, and medications are covered immediately, minimizing financial barriers for patients.

Emergency Access to Insulin

Permits pharmacists to dispense a 30-day supply of insulin in emergency situations where the prescriber isn’t available.

Diabetes Action Plan

Strategic frameworks developed by state entities that include specific goals, strategies, and initiatives aimed at prevention, early detection, better management, and improved healthcare services for individuals living with and at risk for diabetes.

Screening Education

Provides that the State Board of Education shall develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students to receive upon elementary school enrollment and/or the school's student handbook.

Undesignated Glucagon in Schools

Permits public and private schools to stock a supply of undesignated ready-to-use glucagon to ensure the safety of schoolchildren with diabetes.

Anti-Obesity Medication Medicaid Coverage

Legislation establishing state Medicaid obesity treatment coverage includes the defined standards of care by the medical community including behavioral, dietary counseling, surgical, and pharmacological care.

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